Welcome to What We’re Reading, a weekly rundown of news stories, marketing columns, and specific B2B industry news that caught our eye.

10 examples of outstanding B2B marketing

Do B2C marketers have more fun? Um, no. We think that’s a self-defeating attitude, especially when you look at these creative, impactful B2B content marketing campaigns, courtesy of HubSpot.

A response to the Debbie Downers of content marketing

It’s easy to get discouraged by the strongly-worded opinions you find online. Particularly in our industry, one-liners like “content marketing is dead” can really take the wind out of your sails. Copyblogger explains why aspects of the content marketing playbook are, in fact, dying out — and why that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

The REAL and ALARMINGLY SCANDALOUS truth about clickbait headlines

Last week we read about email subject lines that shout promises of FREE incentives to click through, complete with caps and exclamation points. In a similar vein, Inc. discusses a recent study on clickbait headlines in the media — and what distinguishes clickbait from more valuable, engaging content with accurate titles.